About Us
What is the NP Insurance Group, LLC
Mission Statement
NP Insurance Group, LLC is a South Dakota domiciled Sponsored (Segregated Cell) Captive Insurance Company cooperative providing reliable and cost effective commercial insurance coverage for 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations operating within the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin and Ohio.
NPIA, Inc. is the exclusive provider, Managing General Agent, to access the NP Insurance Group, LLC.
Eligible Nonprofit Organizations
Mental Health Centers
Community Rehabilitation Facilities/DT&H
Counseling Centers
Residential Facilities/Group Homes
Schools, Churches, Theaters
Referral Services
Community Action Programs
Adoption Facilities
Substance Abuse/Detox Programs
Affordable Housing
... and more
Commercial Package Coverages
General Liability
Professional Liability
Directors & Officers
Employment Practices Liability
Cyber Liability
Workers' Compensation
Employers Liability
Employee Benefits Liability
Inland Marine
Sexual Abuse/Molestation
Fiduciary Liability
Umbrella/Excess Liability
Are you interested in becoming a member of NP Insurance Group, LLC?
Visit our Become a Member page to start your application.